24056 Student StudentCourseSession/SessionYear Consultation

Closed 5 Jul 2024

Opened 6 Jun 2024


As part of the Student record post implementation consultation Student record 22056 - post implementation consultation, we sought feedback on the 22056 data specification with some questions focused specifically on the StudentCourseSession and SessionYear entities.  

This consultation seeks feedback on four specific proposals for changes to the student record. These are being proposed following a review of feedback provided in the post implementation consultation, post collection seminars and discussions with statutory customers. The changes are proposed for the 24056 student record however this consultation also includes questions seeking feedback on the timelines for implementation so this may change. 

The proposals are summarised below and more details and examples can be found in each section of the consultation, along with further background information on why these changes are being proposed. Any combination of these proposals may be taken forward post consultation. 

  1. Proposal one: removal of SessionYear. The SessionYear entity has been highlighted by providers as an area that is challenging to return and where the value is not well understood. This proposal looks at the potential removal of this entity and further changes that would be necessary were this to be removed. 

  1. Proposal two: return of previous StudentCourseSessions. This proposal relates to guidance updates to allow the return of a previous StudentCourseSession rather than having to create a new StudentCourseSession in cases where there is no activity to record. 

  1. Proposal three: update to ModuleInstance dates guidance. Feedback from providers has indicated that the requirement for ModuleInstances to be contained within the associated StudentCourseSessions has caused issues due to the need to create start and end dates that do not reflect student activity. This proposal looks at updating this guidance so the ModuleInstance dates can reflect the students’ activity. 

  1. Proposal four: guidance on cumulating StudentCourseSession sub-entities. This proposal relates to the current guidance for SessionStatus, OffVenueActivity and ModuleInstance which require these entities to be returned in the reference period in which the associated StudentCourseSession ends, even if the activity occurred in a previous reference period. This proposes removing this requirement. 

We will aim to publish outcomes from the consultation in Summer 2024 alongside an updated Notification of Changes for 24056. 

Who should respond to this consultation?  

This survey is aimed at those staff members who are involved in the submission of Student data to Jisc, either directly by sending the data, or indirectly by collecting data which feeds into the Student record. Other responses are welcomed too, but the questions may not all be relevant. 


When you click ‘next step’ under each section, you will be returned to the contents page, which tracks your progress through the questions in each section.  

The ‘save later’ option, also allows multiple users from one organisation to engage with the consultation. Once you click the ‘save later’ option you will receive a unique link.  

Please ensure that you read all of the information supplied in each section before answering the questions. 

Once the required questions have been completed, a ‘Finish’ button will appear at the bottom of the consultation. Pressing this will complete the consultation and send your responses for analysis. Please do not click through to finish until you are satisfied with all of your answers. 

On completion, a copy of your responses will be generated as a PDF and sent to the email address you entered at the beginning of the consultation. 

Data processing notice for consultations 

Responses to this survey will be used to support the review of the Student record, and will be used in analysis, documentation, and communications in connection with that activity.  

We may share your survey responses with statutory customers, sector bodies or other organisations involved within the consultation. We will share your response together with your provider name however we will not disclose your name or email address to organisations we share responses with. 

Privacy information https://www.hesa.ac.uk/about/website/privacy#016 

Please contact our Liaison team at liaison@hesa.ac.uk or +44 (0)1242 388 531 if you have any questions about this survey.